Mes signets
- 16 juillet 2009 First Thoughts on Scala | Ctrl-C
- 15 juillet 2009 RSS to Email Gateway - Reblinks
- 11 juillet 2009 drawbar settings
- 11 juillet 2009 Drawbars
- 8 juillet 2009
Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks
- 4 juillet 2009 - Le Blog: Vino in iPhone Veritas !
- 2 juillet 2009 erls3 - Google Code
- 2 juillet 2009
osmos - Google Code
Osmos provides on-disk ordered key-value tables for Erlang, based on a sort-merge machine with user-defined merging semantics. This allows a very high volume of updates to be handled efficiently while still supporting a variety of useful operations with transactional safety, e.g., adding to a counter, taking the union of sets, or simply replacing a record. Osmos is ideal for situations where updates are much more frequent than queries, for example, collecting statistics for reporting, and periodically generating reports.
- 1 juillet 2009 10 Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr
- 24 juin 2009 Mercurial hosting —
- 24 juin 2009
Erik Engbrecht's Blog: Pondering Actor Design Trades
Why is the standard Scala actor implementation so complex when others have done it in a such simpler fashion? Is it better to have one, big actor library that supports a wide variety of use cases, or a bunch of smaller ones targeted at specific niches and programming styles? If there are to be a bunch, should they just be conceptually similar (e.g. all based on the actor model), or should there be interoperability among them?
- 22 juin 2009
Revenons à la musique est un portail communautaire. Il a pour but de promouvoir de nouveaux artistes avec l’aide des internautes et des professionnels du son.
- 22 juin 2009 » Créer une Application pour iPhone
- 19 juin 2009
scalacheck - Google Code
ScalaCheck is a powerful tool for automatic unit testing of Scala and Java programs. It features automatic test case generation and minimization of failing test cases. ScalaCheck started out as a Scala port of the Haskell library QuickCheck, and has since evolved and been extended with features not found in Haskell QuickCheck.
- 19 juin 2009
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing tool for Scala and Java programmers. It is written in Scala, and enables you to write tests in Scala to test either Scala or Java code. It is released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.
- 19 juin 2009
CodeProject: Designing And Implementing A Neural Network Library For Handwriting Detection, Image Analysis etc.- The BrainNet Library - Full Code, Simplified Theory, Full Illustration, And Examples. Free source code and programming help
This article will explain the actual concepts of Backward Propagation Neural Networks - in such a way that even a person with zero knowledge in neural networks can understand the required theory and concepts very easily. The related project demonstrates the designing and implementation of a fully working ‘BackProp’ Neural Network library, i.e, the Brain Net library as I call it. You can find the theory, illustration and concepts here - along with the explanation of the neural network library project - in this article.
- 19 juin 2009
Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers – regardless of platform or language. It’s 100% free, no registration required.
- 19 juin 2009
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Programming Scala
Scala is an exciting, modern, multi-paradigm language for the JVM. You can use it to write traditional, imperative, object-oriented code. But you can also leverage its higher level of abstraction to take full advantage of modern, multicore systems. Programming Scala will show you how to use this powerful functional programming language to create highly scalable, highly concurrent applications on the Java Platform.
- 19 juin 2009 First Steps to Scala
- 19 juin 2009 Scalazine