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Je commence mon sevrage tabagique : dernière cigarette le 18 janvier 2024, 22h. J’espère y arriver avec ma motivation et l’aide de la médecine (patch) !

Je rends l’information publique histoire d’avoir à m’y tenir…

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Si vous voulez explorer la Composition API de vuejs, Pierre ASSEMAT vient de publier un article à ce sujet sur le techblog de Deepki: “Améliorer l’architecture d’une application Vue grâce à la composition API”.

À partir d’un exemple simple mais explicite, on arrive rapidement par une série de refactorings faciles à un code lisible, découplé et réutilisable : tout ce qu’on désire !

N’hésitez pas à lire, partager, commenter !



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Nouvel article sur le techblog de Deepki par Julia Cavicchi : “Les fixtures de données pytest : la fausse bonne idée ?” où on y discute de tests unitaires, de lisibilité, de duplication… Un bon point de départ pour des débats intéressants !

Merci pour vos partages, réactions et discussions à venir !


Test code is just as important as production code. It is not a second-class citizen. It requires thought, design, and care. It must be kept as clean as production code.

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I wouldn’t personally see the use of AMQP 0.9.1 as a warning sign, as RabbitMQ is a very stable and mature AMQP implementation (the best one if you ask me) that I’ve been using in real production workloads for more than a decade now. It never failed me and was able to handle massive message traffic over the years. Moreover, the community is working right now in implementing AMQP 1.0 (see

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🎮 J’ai dépassé les 200h sur Zelda Tears of the Kingdom et j’ai toujours pas été taper sur Ganondorf… Je crois que je me suis perdu en chemin.

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How to synchronize a tree directory only matchnig one type of file? My use case is generating a website AND a gemini capsule at once with Hugo, and splitting gemini content into another directory for a lighter space management on a capsule.

rsync to the rescue (as always) with its (a bit strange) --include and --exclude set of options:

rsync -zarvm --include="*/" --include="*.gmi" --exclude="*" public/ /some/dest/dir/

source: SO: rsync copy over only certain types of files using include option

blog hugo gemini web

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Nice! I was looking in the wrong place. I might be able to cook some PR, but I suspect some instances still rely on the v1 API.

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I would gradly help! I took a look at granary, it seems like the truncate_text_length attribute is set in the constructor: would it be wise to call an API endpoint on the constructor of an object? It looks like an antipattern to me, preventing people from doing isolated unit test and / or using this object in different contexes.

What would you suggest for implemeting this?