- 5 août 2023 How to synchronize a tree directory only matchnig one type of file? My use case is generating a website AND a gemini capsule at once with Hugo, and splitting gemini content into another directory for a lighter space management on a capsule. rsync to the rescue (as always) with its (a bit strange) --include and --exclude set of options: rsync -zarvm --include="*/" --include="*.gmi" --exclude="*" public/ /some/dest/dir/ source: SO: rsync copy over only certain types of files using include option
- 12 janvier 2021 Hum ! je ne suis donc pas le seul à l’avoir remarqué et je suis arrivé aux mêmes conclusions : appliquer le réglage Clarity dans Lightroom plutôt que directement depuis l’appareil. Something that I need to point out is that when Clarity is set to anything other than 0, it takes the camera longer to save the file. Fujifilm actually recommends setting Clarity to 0 and adding it later by reprocessing the RAW files in-camera.
- 11 décembre 2014 Migrer un blog de Wordpress vers Jekyll
- 5 décembre 2014 Barre Verte a migré