@trevisev 100% ! J’ai eu la confirmation à de multiples reprises (j’ai systématiquement fait remarqué que c’était mon numéro perso et non le pro, on m’a indiqué “c’est remonté via LinkedIn, je suis désolé je mets à jour ma BDD”)
Arg! LinkedIn publie votre numéro de téléphone utilisé pour la double authentification ! Je comprends enfin pourquoi je me fais harceler sur mon téléphone perso… Mot de passe fort (stocké dans coffre fort) + Auth par application mobile = téléphone non disponible en public 💪
4 2 1À une lettre près, un concert devient concret.
La CNIL a été créée en 1978, elle existait déjà pour les Gendarmettes #pedant
1I think boring websites like mine are possible for more people. It’s less a function of the expected number of visitors, but rather a function of its intended purpose. If your website has a well-defined purpose, maybe boring technology could be good for you.
Same vibe here @Pseudomanifold
Posté également sur IndieNews@SlackHQ TBH, we might switch to the Pro version some day, but not if you insist every 3 month in free trial as it is very annoying 🙄 (and I also understand you have to run a business here 💸). Thank you for you feedback and understanding!
@ministryoftest I personally use a combination of @GoHugoIO for static pages generation and (free) @Netlify for super fast build/deploy/hosting
Please @slackhq stop forcing my hand by offering a “free Trial for the Pro version”: this is a free shot of something we don’t need and don’t want! This is already the 2nd time you do that…
2 1Aveu : après 6 mois de test de VS Code, je reviens à IntelliJ IDEA. Le contraste “out of the box” immédiat est sans commune mesure entre les 2.
Content d’avoir essayé VS Code, franchement pas mal, mais pas adapté à mes besoins ni mon usage. Have fun.
1 4@dr_c0d3 the issue here is to keep a meaningfull git history with a lower commit resolution 🤔
Hi quick question here: is my issue related to this github thread ? In this tweeter conversation, I had responses from the author in a series of tweets, but only the first one generated a webmention back to my website (see log https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1643991356&key=agdicmlkLWd5cjYLEghSZXNwb25zZSIodGFnOnR3aXR0ZXIuY29tLDIwMTM6MTQ4OTYyNzQzNzgzOTM5Mjc3MAw).
@dr_c0d3 to me it depends on the age of a commit: on a 2 week old commit, it can still hold some value (especially “good commits” that tell a story), but several years old commits, not so much. This makes me think of TimeSeries data where old data has less value than newer one ; we usually squash this data to a lower and lower resolution.