Lead Dev 2016 London: Addressing the Imposter Syndrome
- Crystal M. Huff
- slides: https://speakerdeck.com/chuff18/addressing-impostor-syndrome-in-30-minutes
Everyone has it.
Why ?
- “fake if until you make it”: now you feel fake
- kyriarchy (from the greek kyrios master and archein govern) is a rife in society. “We’re not supposed to be good at this”
- public reveal of projects leads to public critique
- we compare our worst to anothers’ best
- false dichotomy: being liked VS being competent
- internal criticism
- less effectiveness as collaborators, because this might reveal that we make mistakes
- ask for less money/promotion
- lower satisfaction in life, in work
- less likely to seek out a new job
-> maginalization and silence
How to get innoculated of this syndrome ?
- exemple: the iceberg illusion. We don’t see what we need to do to succeed (persistence, failure, sacrifice, disappointment, dedication, hard work and discipline)
- watch your words (ex “I’m not an expert, but”). People believe when words are repeated. Use “I’m trying/working on that”
- own it: documentation. Look at what you’ve written 6 months ago and see your progress
- talk with your friends about it. receive help from them for your CV
- ask questions: show that people can make mistakes. Make sure everyone is on the same page
- compare yourself to your yesterday’s self only !
- make mentorship a first class activity
- try to eliminate hidden barries entry
- critique with kindness (it makes things better)
- leave a compliment
- positive
- not physical
- specific
- honest
- store feedback you received to go back to it later when you feel the syndrome
Every expert was once a beginner.
Be clever, competent and kind.