Remembrance of Earth's Past, a trilogy by Liu Cixin (刘慈欣)

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A hard SF trilogy (written in chinese):

  1. 三体 / The Three-Body Problem / Le problème à trois corps / El problema de los tres cuerpos / Il problema dei tre corpi
  2. 黑暗森林 / The dark forest / La forêt sombre / El bosque oscuro / La materia del cosmo
  3. 死神永生 / Death’s end / La mort immortelle / El fin de la muerte / Nella quarta dimensione (Italian translations seems to diverge quite a bit from the others :) )

“hard SF” usually means “heavily relies on scientific theory” but it is quite light here, so don’t be afraid (you might learn a little bit about quantum physics and astrophysics in the process)

I never read chinese SF (I didn’t know it would even exist), but this one won some of the most prestigious SF awards (Hugo, Nebula, Locus…) so it grabbed my attention. What a journey ! I never expect to fall as deep into space and time…

We start from the Cultural Revolution (during the 1960’s in China), and its effects on scientific community in China and we are propelled into the vast future of human kind. In the 2nd book, the author even finds a very elegant solution for the Fermi Paradox (which is not nothing) and it drives the rest of the journey until the end in a very clever way. I don’t want to spoil anything here, so I’ll stop writing :) A piece of advice here: do not read the abstract at the back of the books: it spoils the preceding book on the first line!

I highly recommend this reading if you are into SF, at last the kind of SF that gives you endless vertigo…

Please also note that there is a multi-million $ Netflix adaptation project that will be run by Benioff&Weiss (the GoT show runners: remember when that was a good show?)
