Lead Dev 2016 London: How not to burn your monitoring/production team
- Gill Zellner @Heathenaspargus
- cloudify
- slides: http://fr.slideshare.net/gilzellner/ignite-10m-how-to-not-burn-out-your-monitoring-team-63412030
- 10’ talk
- time spend inefficiently
- repetitive tasks
- working alone
- yak shaving
This will lead people to leave the company.
- need to sleep: have a mandatory half a day off after a bad night
- allocate time to resolve/automate small but recurring issues
- make a knowledge matrix (people/competence) in order to just wake up the right people, and not everyone
- don’t alert on all errors (causes “alert fatigue”). Alert on actionnable and on business breaking issues
- alert just the right people (for instance page duty is good at it)
- use AWS EC2 auto scaling (less human intervention)